Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I just want a CUP CAKE!

I am officially on week three of my new lifestyle change! I have been losing weight which is awesome, a total of 13 pounds to be exact, and it feels great. I haven't noticed an extreme difference in my appearance, but my clothes fit a lot better, and some of them not at all. But even though I see the numbers dropping and I am feeling encouraged about my everyday achievements, I still can't help but crave a cup cake. How silly, right?! To be sensitive to all readers, lets just say, "It's that time of month," and I would kill for a bite of sugary goodness, badness(?). Even though I desperately want to sink my teeth into a fluffy cup cake, I haven't! We call that discipline!

 I have always had a hard time sticking to a diet plan or food program, until now. I feel like I have been earning back my respect and the confidence I have in my ability to be dedicated and to accomplish my goals. I have not cheated, splurged, indulged or gone off track. For me, that is HUGE! It reminds myself that I seriously can do this how lifestyle change. I notice myself caring less about the number on the scale, and more about making a commitment to live different. The weight I lose is just a reference point of whether or not I am staying on track. I am not obsessed, for the first time, with trying to be skinny. I am not striving for the ideal body, but I am striving to look and feel the best I have ever felt! That is something I can be proud of!

Post Suggestion: We're all going to crave our favorite foods at some point, so instead of giving in every time, focus your attention on your goals. So far, every time I have wanted to cheat by eating a cup cake, I have reminded myself that eating that will only satisfy me temporarily, but it will set me back from my goals for much longer. 

Enjoy your life right now, so you don't look back and feel like you've missed out 