Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Learn To Love The Process

As I start this new lifestyle change, I am reminded that it is a process. A long extended, much needed, putting in hard work kinda process. I really want things to be different in my life. Although, for quit awhile, I wasn't willing to put in the work to get the results. But I suppose I am at a different place in life now. 

I don't want to make any more excuses for why I haven't or why I can't accomplish the physical goals I have set before me. I just want to achieve what is best for me & to do it well. So I will learn to love the process of working hard, creating new habits, exercising consistently, understanding discipline, and changing old ways of thinking. My desire is to become the healthiest I have been in my life & to feel the best and look the best that I can. Not for anyone... but me! 
I did want to mention that although I am passionate and excited to see my goals accomplished, if I were totally honest...  I am scared. Actually, I feel like I am terrified to mess up and to fail. I have such a high standard for myself and I look at a lifestyle change as a giant I haven't been able to conquer. So, bare with me while I am transparent with you, and while I express the battles I am trying to win!

Post Suggestion: Make a hot or iced cup of green tea! It will speed up your metabolism, and give you energy. If you don't put in any additives like sugar or creamer, you'll be better off! It will allow you to stick to your goals while still enjoying something to drink, other then water! So keep then green tea clean and drink up!

Keep A Passion For Life

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