Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bring It On Day No. 2

I finished the first day of the cleanse! Phew, what a relief. I know the toughest part has yet to come, but to accomplish the first day by sticking to the exact foods recommended, I think it's a job well done! So as I munch on my rolled oats and fruit, I am excited to take day number two by storm!

What I've learned so far: Preparation Sets You Up For Success

Since I get up for work at 6:00am I have to prepare all my food the night before. This allows me to eat the It's all about understanding my weakness and capitalizing on my strengths! That will lead me to accomplishing my goals. 
foods I need and it doesn't take up extra time in the morning preparing everything. I know myself well enough to know that if everything is organized and prepared ahead of time I am more likely to follow through with eating right. When I am in a rush and feeling like there is "nothing" to eat I tend to gravitate to the worst possible foods! Yes, sugary goodness and anything that has lots of carbs. Can you say, unhealthy!

Also, with the cleanse I have noticed that I am a lot more tired, which is naturally one of signs of your body detoxing. While typically I can go! go! go! I am learning to slow down and rest. I feel like for the past 5 years I have not been able to get enough sleep. Because I have always thought that, "I don't have time to sleep." When in actuality I wasn't making enough time to sleep. Research shows that if you aren't getting adequate amounts of sleep it will make it a lot more challenging to lose weight. (READ MORE) So I putting the research to the test! I am attempting to sleep more. A lot more. I know it may sound boring, but in the past two days, I have been more well rested then most days. In fact, I often times have to force myself out of bed when my alarm goes off at 6:00am. But not this morning! My eyes popped open at 4:30. I was able to fall back asleep till 6:00, but I wasn't tired when I got up. If you know how it feels to get a great nights rest, you'd understand how wonderful that feeling is!

In the past two days I have been conquering my mental blocks of failure and not achieving my goals, while making enough time for me to slow down and rest/sleep.

Post Suggestion: Plan your meals a week in advance. If that is to much, plan each day the night before. Either way, prepare your meals ahead of time. Incorperate more veggies & fruits then you'd normally eat. Leave out the coffee and go to bed early! It will help, I promise!

Stay encouraged and keep going...

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