Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Get Some Fresh Air

With this new eating program I am on, I can't do intense exercising because I am not eating enough to support a heavy workout. But I CAN walk! (Not having an intense workout is only temporary, I will be able to build back up to my desired workout plan!)

So, I decided that after my veggie filled dinner, I would go on a walk. Summer is coming soon and I know I won't be able to get fresh air as comfortably as I can now, so I am taking full advantage of it!

It was a perfect night to spend outside - The breeze was brilliant and the sun was shinning! I am trying to become more consistent with walking after dinner because I want to create a habit of staying active. I was even able to finish a bottle of water on the walk. Which is always a plus!

Post Suggestion: It is totally fine if you aren't able to do a rigorous exercise program right from the start. Try staying consistent with walking 30min to an hour each day and work your way up to a more quick passed workout routine. You'll be glad you

Stay active & Take a walk!

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