Monday, April 8, 2013

Next Step To Sucess

It's been a few days since I've updated about the progress I'm making - but here goes nothing!

I officially finished the week long cleanse, just yesterday, and I am feeling pretty good. I haven't been sleeping as well the past few days for some reason, so I am having mixed feelings about how the cleanse turned out. On one hand I know that physically my body is much healthier now since I've removed dairy, sugar, meat, and caffeine. I don't feel so weighed down and lethargic, while at the same time I've been really tired because of the lack of sleep I've been getting. Oh the joys of trying to create a regular routine for myself!
But all that aside, I have some exciting news! Today is the first official day of starting the Medifast food program. I am excited and still a bit skeptical, but I am trying to have faith that if I stick to the schedule that I will see results! So I ate some eggs at 6:30 this morning, I'll be having a shake in about 30 minutes (9:30) and then at 12:00 or 12:30 I will have soup. Then I will eat a granola bar at 2:30 when I get home from work and then prepare my "Lean & Green" meal for dinner. I will be having Mexican style lean ground turkey over a bed of lettuce and cucumbers with a side of grilled asparagus. I am hoping to keep up this positive pattern in order to reach my goals!  

Post Suggestion: When you are around people who are eating greasy, sugary, good looking foods it is a good idea to remind yourself of your goals. And don't sit there thinking about how much it sucks that you "can't" have those foods, instead remind yourself of all the things you want to accomplish. You'll feel much better not eating what everyone else usually eats and sticking to the specific foods you can have! You can do it. It is worth all the self control and resistance!

Stay encouraged and go for a walk!

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