Monday, April 1, 2013

First Step Is The Cleanse

I started this blog back in January, when my life was still somewhat normal. And, although it is just April 1st, my life has taken quite a few crazy turns. A lot of hard, confusing, scary turns. But here I am! Fighting back with all I got and sticking on the path that I have desired for my life. My health hasn't been on a priority list of things I need to take care of. But now, it is, and that is all that matters.

Here's how things have been looking for me. The neighbors by my parents house started this program called Medifast, and they had wonderful results. Then I find out someone from my church did Medifast and also had amazing results. So I was like... Okay, what is up with this Medifast stuff! I did some research and I had peace with moving forward with their program. I am obviously a little skeptical and nervous, but overall, it seems like it is going to be the perfect plan for my busy and active lifestyle.

I ordered my food and it came in the mail on a Friday. I was so excited to start this change that I had planned to begin the program that following Monday. Although, seeing as my life hasn't gone how I've planned, I didn't start. The friend at church who changed his lifestyle suggested the week long cleanse that He did prior to starting the plan. I was slightly frustrated that I had to postpone the process another week, but I was also very grateful to have the resources to even know about the cleanse prior to starting.

So here I AM! I started today with the week long cleanse. While I am still scared of failing myself, I am in the mindset of taking it one day at a time. Sometimes, one meal at a time! & that's okay for me!

Being able to accomplish this cleanse will also help with the thoughts I have been fighting about not being able to accomplish what I want to accomplish. And as funny as this may sound, the thing I have been fearing the most is looking different. Crazy right?! Who doesn't want to look like a more vibrant healthier you? Well, I guess the lies I've heard and have told myself have really wrecked my ability to think clearly. But it is all changing. Slowly. Very slowly.

So cheers to the new me

Keep going and stay encouraged!

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