Thursday, April 4, 2013

Creating Healthy Environments

On my quest to get healthy physically, I am also learning to create healthy balances in other areas of my life. You know, the day-to-day junk we all deal with! I haven't always had the easiest time with speaking up when I need something. I have found myself not always being able to verbalize my needs to people. Consequently, this usually leads to me stuffing my hurts, desires, and genuine needs until I have an overwhelming amount of anxiety and stress about how my life looks. As I have gotten more freedom with understanding that my needs in life are valid, I have been slowly learning how to speak up for myself. Well, yesterday was a prime example of how I am trying to create a healthy environments. My work environment as well as a healthy church environment. Talk about dealing with stuff all in one day!

It started after I got to work, myself and another employee {my good friend} decided that we didn't want to complain {anymore!} about all the frustrating things we've seen happen within the office. Instead, we decided to go to the source... My boss! I was so nervous to confront the things that have been causing a lot of tension among people in the office, but I knew it was necessary. So I expressed my needs with transparency and was honest with my boss about how I've been feeling. After I was able to confront my feelings and what I was really desiring out of my work environment it became easier to go to my boss with an open-mind and hear his side. I don't know if I'll see a drastic difference around the office, but for myself to even confront the situation I was facing was a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. Like I mentioned previously, I had a similar experience with the church I am involved with. A group of leaders were able to sit down and confront the issues at hand and I felt that it was a start to a new beginning.

Needless to say, yesterday was a "Getting healthy" kinda day! Even though everything was somewhat emotionally draining I was able to handle all of that with a gallon of distilled water and my lemon & syrup mixture! I have been making sure I carry around a bottle so that I don't have the desire to gravitate to munching on something else.
Post Suggestion: After setting your physical health goals, take some time and make a list of other areas in your life that you would like to see become healthy as well. Personally, I have been figuring out all the things I have said I wanted to do or change and I am actually following through with them. Understanding the areas that suck the life out of you will allow you to put together a plan of action of how you can change the things you don't like. It's all about getting healthy, so start today and keeping going tomorrow!

Stay encouraged!

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